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Santiago, Chile will host the 5th World Bike Forum (WBF5) from March 31st to April 5th. The World Bike Forum is a citizen-led initiative that began in Porto Alegre, Brazil as a way to promote bicycle use and safety in Latin America and around the world. Previous hosts include Porto Alegre, Curitiba and Medellin. Despacio was very active at WBF4 in Medellin last year and we are excited to participate again. This year’s slogan is «Human Energy, Citizen Power.» For more information, visit their website, Facebook and Twitter pages. Click here to register

Despacio will be participating or supporting the following presentations and events.

  • Panel “The challenge of building bike-inclusive cities” Friday April 1, 9:30 – 11 AM, Escenario 1
  • Bicycle Games, Friday April 1, 11 AM-2 PM, Parque Quinta Normal
  • Workshops of national, regional and international organizations* 
    • First meeting- Friday April 1, 3-7:30 PM*, Biblioteca de Santiago, auditorio Nº1
    • Second meeting- Monday April 4, 3-7:30 PM*, Plaza El Bosque
  • SUSTRAN LAC meeting (regional bike promotion network), Saturday, April 2
  • Conversation on intermodality,Monday April 4, 3-6 PM, Plaza El Bosque


* These workshops are divided in three parts: Chilean organizations (3-4:30 PM), regional organizations (4:30-6 PM), international organizations (6-7:30 PM). There will be bike caravans to arrive at these organizations.