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Despacio Postcards Experiment

By 23 noviembre, 2015No Comments

«Despacio se llega lejos» (Slowly you get far) is our third and final experiment of 2015. Today, the Internet is the main way we communicate with people that live far from us. This generally makes communication is immediate and easy. However, we have forgotten about other modes of communication that are not as a fast but can be more effective, for example regular mail. This current experiment asks participants to send a postcard via regular mail, which takes longer but is more emotionally meaningful for sender and recipient. Wouldn’t you agree?


despacio se llega lejos

There are four basic steps (see image)

  1. Identify the person to whom you want to send the Despacio postcard (ideally someone who lives far away)
  2. The Despacio team will provide the postcard and the instructions to send it. Contact for more information
  3. Send the postcard, asking your friend or family member to take a photo with the postcard when they receive it.
  4. Send the photo to and upload it to social media with the hashtag #despaciollegolejos


For more information and the theory behind the experiment, see the complete instructions (in Spanish).