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Factsheet on Active Transport in Bogota and Colombia

By 7 diciembre, 2015No Comments

U Andes - bici T activo - portada

The Universidad de los Andes School of Medicine  has recently published a new factsheet «Are we moving towards healthier cities?» Despacio contributed to the factsheet. The short report explains the health benefits of active transport in Bogota and in Colombia overall.

A few key statistics:

  • 34% of Colombian adults meet the Physical Activity Recommendations by walking as a means of transportation.
  • Bikeway users in Bogota have a lower percentage of obesity than the adult population in general (14% vs. 3%).
  • Bogota residents that use the recreational ciclovía regularly use bikes as means of transport twice as much as people who do not ride during ciclovía.
  • 72% of children in Bogotá walk to school; 2% bike.