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Despacio in the US

By 18 noviembre, 2015No Comments

«Bogota remains an inspirational and informative example of how investments in sustainable mobility can improve the quality-of-life, and people around the world are keen to see what projects the city delivers in the coming years,» says Chris Morfas, Senior Advisor to Despacio.

Last month, Chris spoke to transit, bicycling, and walking planners and advocates at three gatherings in the United States. He presented at the international perspectives panel at the Designing Cities 2015 conference in Austin, Texas, hosted by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). Click here to see Chris’ presentation at NACTO.

Chris Morfas presenting at NACTO 2015

Chris Morfas presenting at NACTO 2015


Chris also spoke with bike enthusiasts in San Diego, CA, and bus rapid transit proponents in Chicago, IL, taking some photos while he was at it!

Chicago bike lane

A bike lane adjacent to a BRT station (under construction) in downtown Chicago

Two-way cycle track in Austin, TX

Two-way cycle track in Austin, TX