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Despacio at Bogotá Bike Week

By 21 septiembre, 2015No Comments

Next week there will be a number of sustainable mobility and bike-related events in Bogotá. First we have the eighth annual Bike Week (21st-25th) and the fourth annual International Bicycle Forum (Friday the 25th). On Tuesday the 22nd, Bogotá will hold its third Car-Free Day of 2015. And finally, the city is hosting the Americas Gathering on Climate Change from September 20th to 23rd. For more information on these events, click the above links.

Despacio is organizing a number of activities as part of these bigger events:

  • Despacio has put together a Photo Contest to show the change in the city between a normal day and Car-Free Day. Participants are required to upload two photos to Instagram with the hashtag #FotoBogDsC— one photo from September 15th (a typical day) and the other from Car-Free Day (the 22nd). We will announce the contest winners on Friday the 25th.
  • We are organizing a Transport Mode Race for the 23rd between the Mobility Secretariat and the Zona T to see which transport mode crosses the finish line first. The event starts at 5:30 PM in the Secretariat and ends at 6:00 in the Zona T. All are invited to watch the beginning or end of the race.
  • We will also have a stand at the International Bicycle Forum on the 25th with a number of our publications and products. We will also be conducting a interactive activity with event-goers about cyclists’ perception of Bogotá.