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The role of sustainable urban transport in urban development

By 15 abril, 2014No Comments


Along with GIZ, SUTP and ICLEI Ecomobility Alliance, Despacio created a course about urban development and transportation for more equitable cities. 40 attendees from 7 countries actively participated in the lectures and the practical activity based on the course materials.

The course was directed towards engineers, planners, policy consultants, public officials and people who work in transit agencies. The main objective was to describe the integration of urban development with urban transit and provide tools to develop and evaluate Transit-Oriented Development policies and projects, based on the experience of developed and developing cities. It is part of a series of more than 100 training courses given by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and their Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) in Asia, Africa and Latin America.  GIZ has trained 4.400 participants since 2003.

The day’s class was made possible by three subject experts: Manfred Breithaupt (Senior Transportation Consultant for GIZ since 1981 and Assistant Professor of Planning and Transportation Policy at the Munich Technical University), Santhosh Kodokula (current director of EcoMobility at the ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability) and Carlos Felipe Pardo (current director of Despacio).