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Nightseeing in Getsemaní

By 13 marzo, 2015No Comments


Despacio was in Getsemaní, Cartagena de las Indias a few weeks ago to conduct a night walk («Nightseeing») with Leni Schwendinger of ARUP. About 20 people accompanied us on the week, including students, government officials and people that were just curious about nighttime lighting and joined the group.

The walk was part of an interdisciplinary lighting project called «Everyday Nighttime Design» carried out by ARUP,  Configuring light of the London School of Economics, Findeter, and Despacio. The idea was to design small-scale lighting alternatives that could be replicated throughout a neighborhood and to use lighting as an element that affects perceptions of space, urban activities and socialization.

Click here for photos of the walk and of Getsemaní.