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Results of «Office in the Park»

By 3 noviembre, 2015No Comments

Last month Despacio conducted its second experiment: «Office in the Park.» Participants had to change their workplace from their office to a park. Many of us are used to working long days in an office, closed spaces that limit contact with other people and atmospheres, to say nothing of nature.  Working outdoors can help reduce mental fatigue and stress while increasing attention and concentration.

Participants learned a lot through this experiment, feeling more relaxed and motivated working outdoors. «Office in the Park» had fewer participants than our last experiment (Facebook vs. the Little Prince), perhaps because it required a greater commitment. Even so, we believe in the the concept behind the experiment and hope that companies and organizations can develop «work outdoors» policies to improve employee well-being and encourage new ideas. Below are a few images with quotes from participants. To see the full analysis and results, read the Informe Evaluación oficina al parque.
