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Despacio in the News

By 19 agosto, 2015No Comments

This past week, Juan Manuel Prado, Despacio’s director of social responsibility, was interviewed by a number of media outlets about bicycle-related issues in Bogotá and the importance of the Slow philosophy to Despacio. Click the links below for more information.

JMP Caracol

  • «Do you know what RAPS are?” (Noticias Caracol, August 19th) – a discussion of a mayoral candidate’s proposal for a pedestrian infrastructure system in Bogotá
  • «Critical locations for cyclist safety in Bogotá» (Noticias RCN, August 15th)- Juan Manuel discusses bike infrastructure problems in Bogotá
  • «Cycle highways, one of Clara Lopez’s proposals for Bogotá» (Noticias Caracol, August 10th)- Juan Manuel explains how and where to construct cycle highways
  • «When bikes become digital» (El Espectador, July 25) – about new bike apps in the city
  • Finally, he was featured on Caracol’s program, «A Vivir q son 2 días,» to discuss the Slow philosophy and its relationship to Despacio’s work. Unfortunately, it was a live broadcast and we don’t have a recording of it. However, you can see the related tweets on Twitter.

Note: Despacio does not support any mayoral candidate