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New Publication: Integrating Non-Motorized Transport and Sustainable TOD

By 8 enero, 2015No Comments

As part of its urban development work, Despacio produced this technical document for the Bogota Chamber of Commerce about the integration of non-motorized transport and sustainable transport-oriented development (TOD). The technical document analyzes the integration of non-motorized transport and urban development within the framework of sustainable TOD discussions that have taken place recently in Bogota. It aims to contribute to this discussion in order to better understand the incorporation of these topics into the urban agenda. The document presents the close relationship between urban development and transportation, defines the concept of sustainable TOD, and describes the potential of non-motorized transport. It concludes by explaining how these various concepts described during the initial chapters can be applied to Bogota, following current sustainable TOD and non-motorized transport policies. The document was written by Carlosfelipe Pardo and Patricia Calderon.

The document is available as a PDF here.

First, this publication presents how urban development affects transport and vice-versa. Transport policies and projects create changes in urban development while urban development policies and projects alter people’s transport habits and mobility decisions.

Second, it defines the concept of sustainable TOD, initially only known as TOD and later linked to the broader concept of sustainable transport as part of its incorporation into urban development. This document employs this broader idea of sustainable TOD.

Next, it describes non-motorized transport (NMT) and its implementation potential in cities. It also explains the reasons why NMT policies are proposed and implemented in other cities in the world, as a way to introduce the discussion of NMT’s integration with sustainable TOD and the ways to achieve this.

Finally, the document explains how the various concepts presented in the first few chapters can be applied to the case of Bogota, according to existing sustainable DOT and NMT policies. It concludes by analyzing NMT-sustainable TOD policies and how to improve, modify and expand them to increase their positive impact on mobility and urban development.