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“I go by bike”- materials for distribution

By 8 enero, 2015No Comments

We created a campaign for the District Institute for Recreations and Sports as part of their “Pedalea por Bogota” program, which encourages people to use bicycles as their main mode of transportation. This is part of an initiative known as “know to promote,” based in in surveys and analysis. Click here for an article from El Espectador and at the end of this post, a more technical explanation of the process. Below is the final product: ten pieces that present different messages to promote bicycles, for both digital and printed distribution. They are available for anyone to use (obviously, if you use them, keep the logos there to give credit where credit is due). If interested, you can click to download each one as a jpeg, perfect for printing. We also have printed copies that we will distribute at key locations in Bogota.

If everyone helps distribute them, we will achieve our goal!










And now, in technical terms, what did we do?

  1. First, we defined the key categories we wanted to know about to understand the reasons why bogotanos do not use bikes.
  2. Next, we developed a (long) survey
  3. We collected responses on the road (67 responses) and online (169), focusing on people who do not use a bike. If you want to fill out, you still can by clicking here
  4. We analyzed the responses and cross-referenced information with other databases and surveys to see how representative they were.
  5. Using these analyses, we identified key themes to focus on to promote bicycle use. These were: trip duration, health, social circles and friends, bicycles for short trips, and the extent of the bikeway network).
  6. With these key themes, we created short messages (seen in each image above) and took photos that would present the message in each.
  7. We produced the final images with the short phrases.
  8. You all will help us distribute them.