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Experiential ride and Urban Electric mobility at WUF

By 2 abril, 2014No Comments

Ecar in Copenhagenplaza mayor parqueadero

Meeting point for first session –experiential ride (2:00pm -3:30pm): bicycle parking in front of WUF registration

UN Habitat, Wuppertal Institute, with support from SLoCaT and Despacio

Venue for second session (3:45pm – 5:30pm): Red Pavilion, Room 19

Subtitle of the Event: Experiential ride and Panel discussion on the widespread uptake of Electric Vehicles and improvements to mobility

Description of the Event:

Electric Vehicles may provide an opportunity to significantly reduce emissions when coupled with comprehensive policy packages. The International Energy Agency’s Energy Technology Roadmap estimates that low-carbon technologies and fuels, including electric vehicles will make up at least 30% of the reduction carbon emission reduction potential in the light duty vehicle fleet by 2050. The substantial uptake and adoption of electric vehicles depend on a number of factors, for example: advances in vehicle and battery technologies and reduction in costs of vehicles and batteries from economies of production; the availability of charging infrastructure, increased awareness of citizens and incentives provided by governments including city governments.

The Event seeks to bring together industry with urban policy makers to explore possible strategies and increased collaboration between the private sector and governments to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles thus contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.   It will also discuss the relevance of e-mobility as one component of a broader set of policy options.


First session – pilot project experiential ride: The event will begin by a brief site visit to the Pilot Project developed by UN Habitat in cooperation with the Metropolitan Government Agency of Medellín and Despacio. Meeting point will be the bicycle parking in front of WUF registration entrance.


Second session – Panel discussion (3:45pm – 5:30pm):

1- Introduction and Overview:  Andre Dzikus, Coordinator, Urban Basic Services Branch, UN-Habitat (10 minutes)

2-  Oliver Lah – Emobility’s Role in Climate change mitigation in a balanced Avoid, Shift, Improve Scenario, Wuppertal Institute;

3- Paula -Rodriguez – Regulatory incentives for e-mobility in Colombia, Despacio.

4. Andres Echeverri, Ebike potential in cities, Premac

5- AdalbertoMaluf, Hybrid and Electrical bus Test Program in São Paulo, C40

6. Panel Discussion (30 min) with presenters and Mr Manfred Breithaupt (GIZ). Moderator: Carlosfelipe Pardo, Despacio.

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