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Despacio at the BMW Guggenheim Lab

By 30 septiembre, 2011No Comments

Carlosfelipe Pardo (with the help of Adriana Hurtado-Tarazona and Jonas Hagen) gave a presentation about  the psychology of  transport at the BMW Guggenheim Lab, in a session with the participation of Tom Vanderbilt (author of the book «Traffic») and Alejandro de Castro. The session was moderated by Charles Montgomery. Before the presentation, Carlosfelipe Pardo conducted a workshop during the afternoon with various participants, and presented the results at the end of the day. Additional resources here:

– Full description of the exercise in BMW Guggenheim Lab’s Blog (click here).

– Presentation for download: Perceiving travel.

– Some pictures of the activity in Despacio’s Flickr.
– A  video produced by the BMW Guggenheim Lab about the experience: